Pansy Wong and her husband using tax payer's money to fund their personal travels ! The Labour party calls for John Key to refer the case to the A-G but John Key refuses despite the fact that new information revealed that Hugh McPhail's investigation as ordered by the speaker was not thorough.
John Campbell Live revealed that Pansy Wong's husband, Sammy, conned his business partner in Supreme Hovercraft into transferring its manufacturing plant to China and subsequently depriving him of his shares of profits. Sammy concluded the business agreement with his business partner at Pansy Wong's Botany electoral office. Pansy Wong certainly miss-used her ministerial position to influence the business partner to conclude the agreement with Sammy.
Wong and Key visited Beijing University in 2009 and a newspaper article reports her promoting New Zealand universities while there. Pansy Wong and her husband Sammy were both directors in Sampan Enterprise Ltd, which acted as an agent, giving Chinese student referrals, for Massey, AUT and Lincoln universities.
What happened to ministerial responsibility ?
Are the party MPs covering up for each other, is this like "whatever happens within the party stays in the party"? Is John Key straight up as we think he is? Should we close an eye and allow money crazy individuals to run for parliamentary seats on the pretext of serving the public, and abuse their powers to make deals on the side?
Lastly, why is our judiciary very lenient in punishing/taking action against politicians who abuse powers for their own interest, and those who commit white-collar crimes and getaway with millions of dollars?
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